Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Celestron 127EQ PowerSeeker Telescope Review

I am an astronomy addict. Growing up, I lived on a bright street with no real view of the sky. The best views of stars I got was through books and the local planetarium. My parents got me an inexpensive telescope so I could pursue my passion, but the only place in my neighborhood dark enough to look through the 'scope was a desolate, abandoned parking lot.

When I got older, I pursued my passion. I was able to away from city lights and closer to the stars. I've been used various telescopes over the years, but I still have that great little telescope that my dad gave me. I could never get rid of it. Too many memories of the belief that I could see the heavens one day.

I have found another favorite telescope. The review is at http://www.squidoo.com/celestron-127eq-powerseeker-telescope

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