Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Chi Running Shoes

I'm promising myself that this summer, when school is out and all of my students are home with their parents, that I would learn to run. The problem with that is I have a damaged knee from a fall. I've been afraid to hurt it more. Then I read about ChiRunning.

Chi Running is based on the idea of using your chi when running. It trains you to use all of your body as one and be one with the energy around you. I'm reading the book by Danny Dreyer to understand how it works. It's more complex than it sounds, but also simpler than I expected. I'll let you know how I do. Until then I'll be looking for a comfortable pair of shoes for my Chi Running.

  1. Why Balance is Important in Chi Running
  2. Minimalist Running Shoes for Men
  3. Chi Running Basics
  4. Minimalist Running Shoes for Women
  5. Remember
  6. Interview With Danny Dryer
  7. Best Minimalist Trail Running Shoes
  8. Chi Running In the News
  9. Do You Think ChiRunning Is for You?

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