Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Learning Tablets for Kids

As a teacher, I'm always open to new technology to help my students. Lately, I've noticed a lot of my kids are bringing tablets to school. They use them mostly to record their notes and write down homework. I was curious if this was happening in the elementary classes (I teach high school) so I asked a few of my friends. They all said that at least 50% of their students bring some sort of learning tablet to school. Many of their students look upon these devices as toys, but the teachers and parents are starting to work together to come up with the best strategies to increase the kids' skills while using learning tablets.
It's a new age in education. Gone are the days of filmstrips, movie projectors, and, heck, even the old fashioned library. There's even a course taught for students on how to use devices to get the most out of their research for projects.
Maybe my students can teach an old guy like me a few new tricks.

For a list of devices I really like, click here

  1. NABI Tablet for Kids
  2. NABI Jr. and the NABI XD
  3. NABI XD Demonstration
  4. NABI Tablet Accessories
  5. I Believe...
  6. Leapfrog Explorer 2
  7. LeapPad2 Explorer Accessories
  8. Innotab 2 vs Leappad 2
  9. VTech InnoTab 2 Learning App Tablet
  10. VTtech InnoTab Accessories
  11. Using iPad With Kids
  12. Would You Like Your Child To Use a Learn...

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